
Get your Xata API Key and Database URL in these steps:

  1. Sign Up/Log In: - Sign in to Xata using GitHub or Google.

  2. Retrieve Your API Key: a. Click on your profile at the top right and choose “Account settings”.

    1. Start adding a new API key.

      ../../_images/xata-2.png ../../_images/xata-3.png
    2. Copy this key.

    3. Include this in your code:

      xata_api_key = "YourKey"
  3. Get Your Database URL: a. Create a new database.

    1. Click on the gear icon, then “Copy Database URL”.

      ../../_images/xata-6.png ../../_images/xata-7.png
    2. Add this to your code:

      xata_db_url = "YourURL"